miercuri, 31 august 2011

Who is Benjamin Breeg?

Ascultand niste Iron Maiden ca tot romanu' omul, am dat peste o melodie (sa fiu sincer o stiam de mai mult timp), The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg. Nimic ciudat. Pana m-am uitat mai atent la coperta. Pe piatra funerara, scria "Aici zace un om despre care nu se stie prea multe". Nu, nu am tradus eu, scria in romana. Gandindu-ma (da, mai gandesc si eu din cand in cand) ca ar putea fi roman (dar cu nume strain) am inceput sa ma documentez. Chiar ca nu se stie prea multe despre el.
In primul rand am gasit asta:

 A man born on September 3rd, 1939 in London, who dissapeared mysteriously in 1978, unfound to this day. His parents were killed in a house fire when he was young, but he somehow escaped unharmed. He was then taken into orphanages, and when he was 10, he began to have horrific nightmares. He later painted his visions, and showed them to very few people, and the paintings were reportedly quite disturbing. None of these paintings exist today, and it is believed that Breeg destroyed them himself. He has gained notoriety through the song "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" by Iron Maiden, from their forthcoming 2006 album "A Matter of Life and Death"
Sursa: www.urbandictionary.com
Pentru cei care nu "stie" engleza:

Benjamin Breeg este un om nascut pe 3 septembrie 1939 in Londra, care a disparut misterios in 1978, negasit pana in ziua de azi. Parintii lui au fost ucisi intr-un incendiu cand era mic, dar intr-un fel el a reusit sa scape (nu stiu ce inseamna unharmed). A fost dus intr-un orfelinat, iar cand avea 10 ani a inceput sa aiba cosmaruri groaznice. Mai tarziu a inceput sa isi picteze viziunile, pe care le-a aratat la foarte putini oameni, iar desenele au fost descrise ca deranjante (yeah, my english sucks too). Nici un desen nu mai exista azi, si se crede ca Breeg le-a distrus. Si dupa palavrageste despre melodia trupei Iron Maiden.

Tin sa-l contrazic pe cel care a scris aceasta, am gasit totusi un desen de-alui Breeg. Nu vi se pare ca seamana cu Eddie? Da, acum nu stiu cat de multa incredere pot sa am ca acesta e un desen facut de Breeg, dar totusi...sa nu dam din prima ipoteza la o parte. Probabil ca de aici vine si mascota Eddie. Dar nu prea are legatura, povestea lui Eddie cu povestea lui Breeg (poate nici nu exista acest Breeg).

Am mai gasit ceva:

 Benjamin Breeg is the name of a fictional character crated by the band Iron Maiden, His character traits are made up of those taken from past and present Band members (Iron Maiden). 
Benjamin Breeg took part in a marketing plan, were Iron Maiden got a marketing website
to set up a web page of a guy claiming to be Mr. A Breeg.
The website further describes this Benjamin Breeg character and Mr. A breeg 's(fictional also)
ongoing search for Benjamin (his cousin).

Pictures of Benjamin Breeg seem to suggest that he is Eddie the Head under a different name- Probably what Eddie the Head was called when he was first alive.
I call it marketing because I have traced the website back to its creator, a web hosting company specializing in this form of marketing. I then traced five IP addresses back to five different official Iron Maiden web sites. e.g. ironmaiden.com, eddies mega store...

Nu ma mai chinui sa traduc. Nu as vrea sa il contrazic pe nenea asta care a scris aici, dar prefer sa cred ca a existat odata acest B.B. El zice ca Benjamin a fost un plan de marketing al trupei Iron Maiden. Intr-adevar, mai multe surse spun ca a existat acest un website dedicat acestui personaj, dar din pacate eu acum nu il mai gasesc. Cica site-ul il descrie pe nea B. Breeg si pe var-su', A. Breeg care detine site-ul si este in cautarea lui Benjamin. Incurcat nu?

Am gasit! Da, pe piatra funerara scrie in romana deoarece Benjamin Breeg este un pictor roman (de asta nu a auzit aproape nimeni de el). Desenul de mai sus, facut de Breeg, apare si pe coperta signle-ului (din interior).
Din cate citesc, am inteles ca Benjamin Breeg a scris 4 carti.

benjamin breeg is a synonym for steve`s life before he started being a musician with / in iron maiden. as we all know, maiden will call it quits the next few years, so steve will resurrect his old life without maiden. so eddie basically is digging out steves old life on the cover which symbolizes the death od maiden and the resurrection / reincarnation of steve as a "normal" person....

Asta chiar e interesant. The reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg ar putea sa fie reincarnarea lui Steve Harris intr-un om normal? Ok. Sa zicem ca Steve Harris e Benjamin Breeg. Dar pe coperta single-ului Fear Of The Dark, Steve Harris este vazut ca Eddie The Head (Eddie cantand la bass).  Dar Eddie nu pare a avea vreo legatura cu Breeg (aici ma refer la povestea lor).

There was a buzz about who Benjamin Breeg was before Iron Maiden released A Matter Of Life And Death. The story tells of an individual who lost his parents in a fire in 1947. They said he grew up in many different orphanages and foster homes. It was told that he was an accomplished painter when he was young. Those close to him said he painted what he saw in nightmares. His paintings were very disturbing to anyone who viewed them. It was said that he disappeared in 1978 and that his family members knew nothing about him vanishing or his whereabouts. There were various posts on the internet that made it seem like family members were searching for him or looking for answers to what ever happened to him. The final chapter of the internet tale tells of a man from Romania that was to meet with Benjamin Breeg's cousin. That was to happen on August 18th, 2006, coincidentally the same date as the release of Iron Maiden's new single. It turns out that it was all an elaborate gimmick that was made up by the writer of the song, the bassist of Iron Maiden Steve Harris. There is even a website dedicated to the story of Benjamin Breeg. It made for interesting reading and gave the viewer some insight about the song.
sursa: www.songfacts.com

"He was forced to flee from Romania in 1969 following local Police investigations"
Imi pare nespus de rau ca nu mai exista acest site, deoarece as intelege mult mai multe lucruri. Pacat ca am aflat despre asta mult prea tarziu. Si chiar daca aflam mai devreme, eram prea mic sa imi dau seama de unele chestii.
De ce a trebuit sa fuga din Romania? De ce se ascundea de politie?...
 Versurile ar fi astea:

Let me tell you about my life
Let me tell you about my dreams
Let me tell you about the things that happen
Always real to me

Let me tell you of my hope
Of my need to reach the sky
Let me take you on an awkward journey
Let me tell you why

Let me tell you why

Why should these curses be laid upon me
I won't be forgiven 'til I can break free
What did I do to deserve all this guilt
Pay for my sins with the sale of my soul
Demons are trapped all inside of my head
My hopes are gone reach for heaven from hell

My sins are many, my guilt is too heavy
The pressure of knowing, of hiding what I know
I'm able to see things, things I don't want to see
The lives of a thousand souls weigh heavy down on me

I know they're crying for help reaching out
The burden of them will take me down as well
The sin of a thousand souls not died in vain
Reincarnate still in me live again

Someone to save me
Something to save me from myself
To bring salvation
To exorcise this hell

Someone to save me
Something to save me from myself
To bring salvation
To exorcise this hell

Someone to save me
Something to save me from my hell
A destination
Away from this nightmare

Someone to save me
Something to save me from myself
To bring salvation
To exorcise this hell 

sursa: www.sing365.com

Destul de sugestive, nu credeti?

5 comentarii:

  1. Si eu am ramas putin uimit prima data cand am observat ca scrie in romana.

  2. Acum sunt curios de unde vine Vic :)).

  3. nice shoes. aia din header. si tu ai auzit de omlette du fromage din desene animate? :)
    sorry for being offtopic, i always am

  4. @yesterday me mda, au inceput sa ma reprezinte adidasii astia...da am auzit de omlette du fromage din Dexter. mi se pare genial desenul, fata de porcariile de azi.
